Calling all creative directors, art directors, graphic designers, and marketing and advertising professionals in the Inland Empire! Are you ready to elevate your career and gain the recognition you deserve? Look no further than the American Advertising Awards Competition hosted by the Inland Empire Chapter of the American Advertising Federation. The American Advertising Awards is the advertising industry's largest and most representative competition in the United States. It's a chance to showcase your creative spirit and excellence in advertising.
Why should you enter?
Gain Recognition: A Gold ADDY is the highest level of creative excellence, while a Silver ADDY recognizes outstanding and worthy work.
Exposure: A panel of accomplished advertising creative professionals outside the Inland Empire will view and judge your work. If it scores 90 or above, you may be awarded a Gold ADDY.
Networking: The competition lets you showcase your best work and network with other industry professionals.
Boost Your Career: Winning an ADDY can open doors to new opportunities and career advancement.
Promote Your Team: Support the team effort by promoting your team's work.
Support the Industry: Proceeds from the competition support the AAF's programs, which enhance advertising through public service, professional development, internships, advocacy groups, advertising education, and consumer awareness.
How can you enter? Register as an entrant on the website; see the information below and download the categories PDF. Review the category list in the official rules document to find where your work should compete. Follow the drop-down menus to enter your information. Credit your creative team members for proper recognition in press releases, blog and social media posts, and AAF winner publications.
What are the categories?
There are over 200 categories to enter, ensuring a level playing field for everyone. Categories that creative directors, art directors, and graphic designers often enter include:
Sales & Marketing: Sales promotion, packaging, point of purchase, collateral material, direct marketing, specialty advertising, etc.
Print Advertising: Magazine advertising, newspaper advertising, branded content & entertainment.
Out-of-Home & Ambient Media: Ambient media, out-of-home, poster, outdoor board, etc.
Online/Interactive: Websites, social media, apps, games, virtual reality, advertising and promotion, blogs and digital publications, branded content, and entertainment.
Film, Video & Sound: Audio/radio advertising, television advertising, online film, video and sound, branded content & entertainment, cinema advertising, sales promotion, music videos.
Cross Platform: Integrated campaigns and online/interactive campaigns.
Elements of Advertising: Copywriting, visual, film & video, sound, digital creative technology.
What are some examples of successful entries?
"The Man Your Man Could Smell Like" by Old Spice: This campaign won multiple ADDYs for its humor and originality. It's an excellent example of a successful integrated campaign that used various mediums to reach its target audience.
"The Scarecrow" by Chipotle: This animated short film won an ADDY for its powerful message about sustainable food. It's an example of branded content that effectively tells a story and connects with viewers emotionally.
"Dumb Ways to Die" by Metro Trains Melbourne: This public service announcement won multiple ADDYs for its catchy song and creative animation. It's an example of a successful campaign that effectively raises awareness for an important issue.
Use this opportunity to showcase your creativity and elevate your career. Enter the American Advertising Awards Competition for Inland Empire today! The competition is open to professionals and students in eastern Los Angeles County, all San Bernardino County, and western Riverside County.
Late Deadline:
January 31, 2025
Download the Professional Rules and Categories
Download the Student Rules and Categories
Complete Competition Details (dates, fees, registration)