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30$(Promotional rate. Returns to $39 on February 1 2025.)Valid for one year- Contact info on the student membership page
- Student member rates on all activities
- Receive club communication
- Portfolio review
- Member rates on American Advertising Award Entries
- Networking opportunity with professionals
- AAF Inland Empire Logo on your resume
99$(Promotional rate. Returns to $149 on February 1 2025.)Valid for one year- Member page on the website + contact info
- Member rates on local AAF events
- Member rates on American Advertising Award Entries
- AAF National Discounts with Affinity Partners
- AAF Inland Empire Logo for use in your marketing
- Access to student portfolios & recruiting in the spring
- Local AAF communication & National AAF SmartBrief
- Opportunity to grow your professional network in SoCal
249$(Promotional rate. Returns to $349 on February 1 2025.)Valid for one year- 4 team members memberships + contact info
- Organization page on website + link to your website
- Organization logo displayed on the Home Page
- Sponsorship of an email blast to our full list
- Opportunity to host an event at your location
- Mention at the American Advertising Awards
- Member rates on all local events
- Member rates on American Advertising Award Entries
- Opportunity to promote jobs in our email distribution
- Access to student portfolios & recruiting in the spring
- Local AAF communication & National AAF SmartBrief
- AAF National Discounts with Affinity Partners
As a member of the AAF, you become part of a talented community with access to connections, resources, and professional development to help you succeed in the advertising industry.
If you have a question about student, professional, or organization membership, contact the Membership Chair, Adrian Hyatt-Ward ( or phone 909.793.3840 x 223).
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