The American Advertising Federation – Inland Empire (AAFIE), is a non-profit affiliate of the American Advertising Federation. Our chapter is comprised of professionals in San Bernardino, Riverside and parts of Los Angeles County. Our industry segments include: Creative, advertising and media agency executives, suppliers, academic leaders, and more.
To build a community I believe it starts with a purpose then some great folks to rally around that purpose, own it, then share it. And if you are lucky enough you got the right people in the right spot. I believe we got lucky and I hope you do too. So come check them out. They are great people and you will want to meet them.
y(Our) Story
At some point in every journey we all knew no one. Our steps were blind. Then, we found connection, purpose and a place to belong. Here at the Inland Empire American Advertising Federation we welcome you. As a matter of fact, we think you absolutely should check us out because for a lot of us our creative journeys start here in a group just like this.